Wilo-World Info Relevant
Experience yourWILO-
  • Digital Pioneer
  • Systemic Relevance
  • Climate Protection & Sustainability

The Wilo-World.

Our solutions for a sustainable future.

In our interactive Wilo-World, you can learn more about us as a company, about current topics from the industry and about our products and solutions that are in use around the world. Click through the various Smart Urban Areas, explore the different building types and experience what Wilo stands for: digital and sustainable water solutions.

Digital Pioneer

We are the Digital Pioneer of the Pump Industry.

Intelligent networks are shaping the present day – technically, socially and economically. The internet and digitalisation are penetrating our everyday lives and our work. The future will be characterised by the underlying principle of connectivity that ensures more resource-efficient energy use, more comfortable living, more modern workplaces and highly productive factories. As a result of digitalisation, Wilo is increasingly also shifting its development focus to new business models and complementary services.

Systemic Relevance

We take care.

The Wilo Group, as an industrial and technology group, makes a significant contribution to keeping systemically important sectors and vital infrastructures operational. With our products, systems and solutions, we operate applications daily life would be virtually impossible without and we therefore assume social responsibility. Despite social distancing, our digital services enable us to stand by our customers every day.

Climate Protection & Sustainability

We take care.

Pumps use around 10 per cent of electricity generated globally. At the same time, around 90 per cent of today’s working pumps are outdated and inefficient. Replacing them with modern pumps therefore holds an enormous energy-saving potential. Wilo relies on maximum energy efficiency with its products and solutions. With high-efficiency technologies and smart products, we contribute globally to a more sparing use of resources, water and energy. The protection of the environment is therefore a key part of our business model. Moreover, we are reducing our own CO2 emissions year on year and optimising our production and processes all the time.